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World Rhino Day – Kruger update

A young white rhino calf splits away from its mother, looking out towards us and giving one much hope that this species has a chance of survival in the wild... The second image (below) shows the current status of part of the fence separating Kruger [...]

September 22nd, 2017|Tags: , |

Hwange Magic: a place of the great elephant and sable herds

As we pulled up for a sundowner to celebrate our last day on a safari of a lifetime, these elephants made the perfect appearance, adding the icing on the cake to end off an incredible journey across some of the last true wild areas in [...]

September 14th, 2017|Tags: , , , |

A Tribute to the Bike – a legend of a leopard!

It's sad to say good bye to the Bicycle Crossing male who died yesterday at the incredible age of more than 15. A great life for a wild male leopard! He was found with bite marks on his back and unable to move off. His [...]

August 24th, 2017|

Confirmed sighting of Ross’s Turaco in Southern Africa!

Amazing news...confirmed sighting of Ross's Turaco in Southern Africa!!   While out on drive in the Linyanti concession, good friend and general manager Tshepo Phala, of King's Pool camp found this incredibly special bird! Tshepo managed to get these great record shots to prove that [...]

August 19th, 2017|Tags: , , , |

An Okavango Paradise: Chitabe Camp, June 2017

Chitabe Camp Trip Report What an incredible 3 day's viewing in the Okavango! Have just returned from Chitabe camp, which is currently providing some of the best viewing around. On one day alone, and all within 2km of camp, we recorded a lioness and her [...]

July 7th, 2017|Tags: , , |

Okavango Flood Update – July 2017

Okavango flood update: July 2017 2017 is really one of the strangest floods in the Okavango in years. Quite simply it is because the current water has mostly been topped up as a result of last summer’s localized rainfall, rather arriving in its usual way [...]

July 2nd, 2017|Tags: , |

Some camera trap highlights from the Linyanti!

Camera Trap highlights. These photos were taken at Sunken Hide close to King's Pool Camp in the Linyanti concession of northern Botswana! It was setup at the peak of the dry season of 2016 and here are some of the highlights of the wildlife coming [...]

May 24th, 2017|Tags: , |


The famous Kikelezi Female leopard died yesterday at the great age of 15 years and 7 months! Rangers found her body and the evidence pointed to lions having killed her – sadly she leaves two 14-month old cubs behind. What is so incredible about such [...]

May 23rd, 2017|Tags: , |

Baobab vs Elephant: these trees are being wiped out!

A Baobab stands tall over the Okavango...but only just!!   This is the current status of Baobab trees in northern Botswana...they are just hanging on but many of them have been wiped out in the last 5 years alone. Take the Vumbura concession for example, [...]

May 6th, 2017|

Desperate times…elephants stuck in the mud!

Elephants stuck in the mud !! - incident from November 2016 Images 1-3: Finding the first elephant and releasing it from the mud  It really is a time of desperation as literally hundreds of elephants die in all ways possible this year. We have been trying [...]

January 15th, 2017|Tags: , |